CSS :: Pakistan Constitution 1973

111.  Article _______ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Provincial Assembly to pass vote of no confidence against Chief-Minister
A. 132 B. 133
C. 136

112.  To move a resolution for vote of no confidence against Chief Minister Provincial Assembly will need support of ______ of total membership
A. 20% B. 30%
C. 40%

113.  Article ______ , of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of Advocate General
A. 139 B. 140
C. 141

114.  Advocate-General is appointed by the __________
A. Chief Minister B. Governor
C. Minister of Law

115.  To became Advocate-General the person must be qualified to be
A. Appointed a Judge of High Court B. Appointed a Judge of District Court
C. None of above

116.  It shall be the duty of the ________ to give advice to Provincial Government upon legal matters and to perform other duties of legal character
A. Attorney-General B. Advocate-General
C. Provincial Minister of Law

117.  Articles _______ to _______ of the Constitution of 1973 dals with distribution of legislative powers
A. 141 to 144 B. 144 to 150
C. Both (a) and (b)

118.  Administrative relations between Federation and Provinces are dealt by Articles ______ to ______ of The Constitution
A. 145 to 152 B. 151 to 155
C. 155 to 160

119.  Article ______ of the Constitution of 1973 empowers Federation to acquire land for Federal purpose
A. 151 B. 152
C. 153

120.  The Council formed under Article 153 of the Constitution of 1973 is known as
A. National Security Council B. Council of Common Interests
C. Both (a) and (b)

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