CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

61.  Section 182, P.P.C. deals with
A. False information by any person to public servant B. False information by public servant to public
C. False information by public servant to court

62.  Under section 189, P.P.C. whoever holds out any threat of injury to any public servant. He shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to _____ or with fine
A. Six months or with fine B. One year or with fine
C. Two years to with fine

63.  The term "Perjury" means
A. Siving false evidence B. Making false document
C. None of the above

64.  Punsihment for perjury is ______
A. Five years B. Seven years
C. Three years

65.  A in support of a just claim which B has against Z for one thousand rupees, falsely swear on a trial that he heard Z admits the justice of B's claim. A has given
A. False evidence regarding the matter B. True evidence regarding the matter
C. Fabricated evidence

66.  Whoever being bound by oath to state truth makes false statement he shall be pubished with
A. Imprisonment for three years B. Imprisonment for five years
C. Imprisonment for seven years

67.  A makes a false entry in his shop book for the purpose of using it as corroborative evidence in Court of Justice. A has
A. Committed no offence B. Fabricted false evidence
C. Given false evidence

68.  Whoever fabricates or gives false evidence with intent to procure conviction of capital offence shall be punished with
A. Imprisonment of five years B. Imprisonment of seven years
C. Imprisonment of ten years

69.  Section 197, P.P.C. deals with
A. Issuance of or signing false certificate B. Issurance of or signing cheque
C. Issuance or signing of genuine certificate

70.  Section 211, P.P.C. deals with
A. Charge B. False charge of offence made with intent to injure
C. False information

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