CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

251.  Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage
A. 496 B. 496-A
C. 496-B

252.  Whoever takes or entices away any woman with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with any person, or conceals or detains with that intent any woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
A. Three years B. Five years
C. Seven years

253.  Definition of "Fornication" is provided in section ______ of P.P.C.
A. 496B B. 496A
C. 496C

254.  Whoever commits fornication shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A. Three years B. Five years
C. Seven years

255.  The term "Fornication" means
A. Willful sexual intercourse of a man and woman not married to each other B. Sexual intercourse by two mans with each other
C. None of the above

256.  Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with punishment for false accusation of fornication
A. 496B B. 496C
C. 496D

257.  Whoever brings or levels or gives evidence of false charge of fornication against any person shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A. Five years B. Seven years
C. Ten years

258.  Section _____ of P.P.C. deals with prohibition of depriving women from inheriting property
A. 498A B. 498B
C. 498C

259.  Whoever by deceitful or illegal means deprives any women from inheriting any movable or immovable property at the time of opening of succession shall be punished with imprisonment for either description for a term which may extend to
A. Three years or with a fine of one million rupees B. Five years or with a fine of one million rupees.
C. Ten years or with a fine of one million rupees

260.  Section ______ of P.P.C. deals with prohibition of forced marriage
A. 498 B. 498A
C. 498B

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