CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

231.  Any person or individual being the domestic consumer who does tampering or abets in tampering with any gas meter, regulator, meter index or gas connection or any other related system and equipments, whether to commit theft of gas or for unauthorized distribution or supply of gas shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A. Three months or fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees B. Six months or fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees
C. Nine months or fine which may extend to one thousand rupees

232.  Section _____ of P.P.C. deals with tampering gas meter by industrial or commercial consumer
A. 462-C B. 462-D
C. 462-E

233.  Any person or individual being industrial or commercial consumer who does tampering or abets in tampering with any gas meter, regulator, meter index, or gas connection or any other related system or equipments, whether to commit theft of gas or for the purpose of unauthorized distribution or supply of gas shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to
A. Seven years B. Ten years
C. Fourteen years

234.  Section _____, of P.P.C. deals with damaging or destructing the transmission or transportation lines etc:
A. 462-D B. 462-E
C. 462-F

235.  Any person who damages or destructs any transmission or transportation lines by an act of subversion by explosive material or in other manner shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A. Ten years B. Fourteen years
C. Sixteen years

236.  "Forgery" means
A. Making of false document B. Making of false evidence
C. None of above

237.  Section 468, P.P.C. deals with
A. Forgery for the purpose of harming reputation B. Forgery for the purpose of cheating
C. Non of the above

238.  A has a letter of credit upon B for rupees 10,000, written by Z. A in order to defraud B, adds a cipher to the 10,000, and makes the sum 1,00,000, intending that it may be believed by B that Z so wrote the letter. A has committed
A. Forgery B. Perjury
C. Cheating

239.  Whoever commits forgery for the purpose of cheating under section 468, of P.P.C. shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to
A. Two years B. Five years
C. Seven years

240.  Section 471, of P.P.C. deals with
A. Using as genuine a forged document B. Using of public records fraudulently
C. None of above

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