CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

11.  According to P.P.C. "Movable property" include
A. Land B. Corporeal property of every description
C. Any thing attached to earth

12.  According to P.P.C. "Wrongful gain" is a gain by
A. Unlawful means B. Lawful means
C. By deceiving

13.  Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person, is said to do that thing
A. Fraudulently B. Dishonestly
C. Wrongfully

14.  A writing expressing the terms of contract which may be used as evidence of the contract is called
A. Document B. Mutual understanding
C. Internal link

15.  The "Special law" is applicable to
A. Whole community B. Local area
C. Particular subject

16.  Any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or property is called
A. Harm B. Injury
C. Hurt

17.  Nothing is an offence which is done by a child of
A. Seven years of age B. Thirteen years of age
C. Fifteen years of age

18.  Act done in private defence is
A. An offence B. Not an offence
C. Depends upon nature of the act

19.  "Solitary" confinement means_________
A. Isolation of prisoner B. Isolation of prisoner from his family
C. Isolation of prisoner from human intercourse and society

20.  A writes his name on the back of a bill of exchange. As the effect of his endorsement is to transfer the right to the bill to any person who may become the lawful holder of it, the endorsement is
A. A valuable security B. A Contract
C. An agreement

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