CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

151.  Section 337M of P.P.C. deals with hurt
A. Liable to arsh B. Not liable to qisas
C. Liable to daman

152.  Cases in which qisas for hurt shall not be enforced are provided in section _______
A. 337L B. 337M
C. 337N

153.  The arsh for causing itlaf of an organ which is found singly in human body shall be
A. Equivalent to the value of diyat B. Equivalent to Half of diyat
C. Equivalent to 1/3 of diyat

154.  Section 337-R of P.P.C. deals with arsh for organs in
A. Single form B. Pairs
C. Trice

155.  A amputates right ear of Z the half of which was already missing. If A's right ear is perfect
A. He shall be liable to arsh not qisas B. He shall be liable to qisas not arsh
C. He shall be liable to daman

156.  Arsh for the organs in quadruplicate is provided in section 337
A. Q B. R
C. S

157.  Section 337-T of P.P.C. provide arsh for
A. Chest B. Fingers
C. Foot

158.  Section 337-U of P.P.C. deals with
A. Arsh for teeth B. Diyat for teeth
C. Daman for teeth

159.  Whoever causes itlaf of a tooth other than a milk tooth shall be liable for
A. Tenth of diyat B. Fifteenth of diyat
C. One-twentieth of diyat

160.  Whoever causes itlaf of a milk tooth, he shall be liable to daman and may also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
A. One year B. Two years
C. Three years

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