CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

141.  Whoever causes jurah which does not amount to jaifah, is said is to cause
A. Ghayr-Jaifah B. Damiyah
C. None of above

142.  Ghayr-Jaifah has ______, kinds
A. 5 B. 6
C. 7

143.  Whoever causes ghayr jaifah, in which the skin is ruptured and bleeding occurs, is said to cause
A. Damiyah B. Hashimah
C. Badiah

144.  Punishment for damiyah as provided in section 337 F(i) P.P.C. is
A. One years imprisonment with daman B. Two years imprisonment with arsh
C. Three years imprisonment with daman

145.  Section 337-F ______ of P.P.C. prescribe punishment for mutalahimah
A. (iii) B. (iv)
C. (v)

146.  Section 337(F)(vi) of P.P.C. provides punishment for
A. Mudiah B. Hashimah
C. Munaqqilah

147.  Under Section 337G, of P.P.C. punishment of imprisonment provided for rash or negligent driving is _______
A. Imprisonment which may extend to three years as tazir B. Imprisonment which may extend to four year as tazir
C. Imprisonment which may extend to five years as tazir

148.  Whoever as per section 337-I, of P.P.C. causes hurt by mistake (khata) shall be liable
A. To arsh or daman specified for the kind of hurt caused B. Imprisonment for six month
C. Imprisonment for one year

149.  Imprisonment for causing hurt by means of a poison as provided in section 337-J is
A. Five years B. Seven years
C. Ten years

150.  Ehoever causes hurt to extort confession, or to compel restoration of property shall be punished in addition to qisas, arsh or daman as the case may be and imprisonment of
A. Either description for a term which may extend to five years B. Either description for a term which may extend to seven years
C. Either description for a term which may extend to ten years

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