CSS :: Pakistan Panel Code 1860

101.  When an offender of qatl-i-amd is minor
A. He shall be liable to qisas B. He shall not be liable to qisas
C. Both (a) and (b)

102.  Where an offener quilty of qatl-i-amd is not liable to qisas under section 306 or the qisas is not enforceable as provided under clause
A. Diyat B. Arsh
C. Daman

103.  Compromise in qatl-i-amd where a female has been given in marriage to victim shall be
A. Void badl-i-sulah B. Valid badl-i-sulah
C. Irregular badl-i-sulah

104.  A aims at a deer but misses the target and kill, Z who is standing by. A is guilty of
A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-khata

105.  Punishment for qatl-i-khata as provided in Section 319, P.P.C. is
A. Diyat and also imprisonment which may extend to five years B. Diyat and imprisonment for ten years as tazir
C. Diyat and imprisonment for fifteen years as tazir

106.  Whoever, without any intention to cause death of, or cause harm to, any person, does any lawful act which becoms a cause for the death of another person is said to commit
A. Qatl-bis-sabab B. Qatl-i-amd
C. Qatl shibh-i-amd

107.  Whoever without any intention to cause death of or causes harm to, a person, causes death of such person either by mostake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit
A. Qatl-i-amd B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-khata

108.  A unlawfully figs a pit in the thoroughfare, but without any intention to cause death of, or harm to, any person. B while passing from there falls in it and is killed. A has committed
A. Qatl-bis-sabab B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. None of above

109.  Section 320 of P.P.C. deals with punishment of
A. Causing death by rash or negligent driving B. Causing death by intention
C. Causing death by ikrah

110.  The term "Ikrah" means
A. Corroboration B. Facilitation
C. Compulsion

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