CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

41.  Section 22, of C.P.C. deals with transfer of cases by
A. Court of Session B. High Court
C. Trial Court

42.  Where several Courts having jurisdiction are subordinate to the same appellate Court an application under section 22, shall be made to_____
A. Appellate Court B. High Court
C. Both (a) and (b)

43.  Every suit shall be instituted by the presentation of_____ or in such other manner as prescribed
A. An application B. A memo
C. Plaint

44.  Where a suit has been instituted a summon may be issued______ to appear and answer the claim and may be served in manner preseribed.
A. Nazir B. Defendant
C. None of the above

45.  According section_____, of C.P.C. the Court after the case has been heard shall pronounce judgment and on such judgment decree shall follow
A. 31 B. 32
C. 33

46.  Section 34, of C.P.C. deals with
A. Interest B. Costs
C. Special cost

47.  Section 35, of C.P.C. deals with
A. Interest B. Costs
C. Compensatory costs

48.  Section______, of C.P.C. deals with compensatory costs in respect of false and vexatious claims or defences
A. 35 B. 35-A
C. 36

49.  A decree may be executed either by
A. Court which passed it or by the Court to which sent for execution B. Court which passed it or by appellate Court
C. Special Court

50.  The Court which passed a decree may send the decree for execution to another Court upon
A. Its discretional power B. Application of decree holder
C. Application of decree debtor

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