CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

421.  Where an appeal against an order is preferred during the pendency of the suit the appellant shall before presenting the appeal give notice to the respondents as provided in
A. O. XLIII, R. 3 B. O. XLIII, R. 4
C. O. XLIII, R. 5

422.  Order XLIV, of C.P.C deals with_______
A. Peuper appeal B. Special appeals
C. Appeals against foreign judgment

423.  Order XLIV, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules
A. 2 B. 4
C. 6

424.  Order XLV, of C.P.C deals with appeals to
A. High Court B. Supreme Court
C. Revenue Court

425.  Inder Order XLV, Rule 2, whoever desires to appeal to Supreme Court shall apply by the petition to_____ for issuance of certificate.
A. High Court B. To Supreme Court
C. To the Court whose decree is complained of

426.  Certificate acquired by any party from the Court whose decree is complained for Supreme Court is
A. Discretion of party to obtain B. Mandatory for the party to obtain
C. None of the above

427.  An appeal can not be admitted in Supreme Court until the appellant
A. Signed the relevant documents as provided in R. 7, O. XLV of C.P.C. B. The appellant submit or deposit security so required as provided in R. 7, O. XLV, of C.P.C.
C. Both (a) and (b)

428.  The procedure for admission of appeal is provided in
A. Order XLV, Rule 8, of C.P.C. B. Order XLV, Rule 9, of C.P.C.
C. Order XLV, Rule 10, of C.P.C.

429.  Order_______, of C.P.C. deals with execution of order of Federal Court
A. Order XLV, Rule 8, of C.P.C. B. Order XLV-A
C. Order XLV-B

430.  Whoever desires to obtain execution of an order of the Federal Court under sub-section 2 of section 209 of Government of India Act, 1935 shall apply by petition accompanied by a certified copy of the order for execution
A. To Supreme Court B. To any High Court
C. To High Court from which the appeal to Federal Court was preferred

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