CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

21.  C.P.C. is not applicable to
A. Civil Courts B. Criminal Courts
C. Both (a) and (b)

22.  Section 5 of C.P.C deals with application of C.P.C to
A. Family Courts B. Criminal Courts
C. Revenue Courts

23.  Section 6, of C.P.C. deals with
A. Pecuniary jurisdiction B. Appellate jurisdiction
C. None of the above

24.  A suit in which the right of property or office is contested is called suit of_____ nature
A. Civil B. Criminal
C. Civil as well as criminal

25.  The term jurisdiction has _____ kinds
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4

26.  Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Civil judge of Class 2nd is limited upto
A. 50,000 B. 1,00,000
C. 500,000

27.  Pecuniary jurisdiction of Civil judge of Class 3rd is limited upto
A. 20,000 B. 50,000
C. 100,000

28.  Section 10 of C.P.C. deals with______
A. Res judicata B. Res Sub Judice
C. Res, gestae

29.  The term "Res-subjedice" means.
A. The case instituted earlier B. The case instituted later
C. None of the above

30.  The are_____ main ingredients for application of section 10
A. 3, B. 4,
C. 5,

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