CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

241.  Provided that when the______ of a case has once begun the hearing of the suit shall be continued from day to day
A. Litigation B. Adjournment
C. Evidence

242.  O. XVII Rule of_____ of C.P.C deals with right of closing evidence of the party which failed to produce evidence.
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5

243.  Where a suit or proceeding is set down for a day which is holiday the parties thereto shall appear in the court on the day following that day as provided in
A. O. XVII, R. 2, of C.P.C B. O. XVII, R. 3, of C.P.C
C. None of the above

244.  O.XVIII deals with
A. Hearing of the suit B. Examination of the witnesses
C. Both (a) and (b)

245.  O. XVIII, contains_____ Rules
A. 15, B. 18,
C. 21,

246.  Under O. XVIII Rule 1 of the C.P.C. the______ must produce whatever evidence he wishes to rely upon in the first instances
A. Plaintiff B. Defendant
C. Court Officer

247.  Every party of the case needs to prove its case according
A. law B. Facts
C. Issues of its pleadings

248.  The evidence of the witnesses in attendance to be taken orally in
A. Open Court B. Beyond Court
C. None of the above

249.  Witness to be examined in open Court as provided in
A. O. XVIII, R. 3, B. O. XVIII, R. 4,
C. O. XVIII, R. 5,

250.  O. XVIII, Rule 5, of C.P.C. deals with recording of evidence before
A. Trial Court B. Appellate Court
C. Revisional Court

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