CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

221.  According O. XIV, Rule 4, while framing issues
A. Court will examine only relevant document B. Court may examine witnesses or documents before froming issues
C. None of the above

222.  The issues once framed can
A. Not be changed B. Be changed as provided in O. XIV, Rule 5,
C. depends upon circumstances

223.  Where at the first hearing of a suit it appears that the parties are not at issue on any question of law or of fact the Court may
A. At once pronounce judgment B. At once order for amendment of suit
C. None of above

224.  O. XV, of C.P.C. deals with
A. Disposal of the suit at first hearing B. Disposal of suit at proper time
C. Disposal of suit after conclusion of trial

225.  O. XV, contains____ Rules,
A. 4 B. 6
C. 8

226.  O. XVI, of C.P.C deal with
A. Summoning to attendance of plaintiff B. Summoning to attendance of defendants
C. Summoning to attendance of witnesses

227.  O. XVI, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules
A. 19, B. 21,
C. 23,

228.  Not later than_____ days after settlement of issues the parties shall present in the Court list of witnesses whom they proposed to call as witness or to produce documents
A. 7 B. 10
C. 14

229.  On application to Court or such officer as it appoints in this behalf the parties may obtains summons for persons whose attendance is required in the Court as provided in
A. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 1, B. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 2,
C. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 3,

230.  When a party apply for summoning to witness the expanses shall be
A. Paid by the same party B. Paid by the opposing party
C. Both (a) and (b)

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