CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

211.  The documents submitted in any Court shall be endorsed as provided in
A. O. XIII, Rule 2, of C.P.C. B. O. XIII, Rule 3, of C.P.C.
C. O. XIII, Rule 4, of C.P.C.

212.  When any document is rejected by Court under O. XIII, Rule 3 of C.P.C. the order of such rejection will be
A. Appealable B. Reviewable
C. Revisionable

213.  O. XIII, Rule 6, C.P.C. deals with
A. Endorsement on accepted documents B. Endorsement on rejected documents
C. Both (a) and (b)

214.  _____ can apply for return of admitted documents under O. XIII, Rule 9
A. The winning party B. The losing party
C. Any person desirous of receiving back such documents who submitted

215.  O. XIV, of C.P.C is regarding
A. Settlement of issues and determination of suit on issues of law or on issues agreed upon B. Submission of documents and their legal value
C. None of the above

216.  O. XIV, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules
A. 5, B. 7,
C. 9,

217.  At the time of framing of issues Court seek light from
A. Plaint B. Written statement
C. Both (a) and (b)

218.  As per O. XIV, Rule 1, Sub Rule (6), of C.P.C. Court does not requires to frame issues where
A. Plaintiff at the first hearing makes no improvements B. Defendant at the first hearing of the suit makes no defence
C. Where defendant produce or submit affidavit

219.  The term "issue" means
A. Controversy between the parties B. Contention between the parties
C. None of the above

220.  Issues has______ kinds
A. 2 B. 4
C. 6

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