CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

191.  Under O. XI, Rule 1, of C.P.C. any party of the suit can
A. Deliver interrogatories for the examination of the Court B. Deliver interrogatories for the examination of the opposite party
C. None of the above

192.  The interrogatories made by any party under O. Xi, Rule 1, of C.P.C. for discovery
A. Must be in written form B. Be in oral form
C. Depends upon parties discretion

193.  A party can make interrogatories from opposite party by
A. Filing application for permission to do so B. By making separate suit
C. Both (a) and (b)

194.  Or. XI, Rule 7, of C.P.C. empowers Court
A. To accpet whole of interrogatories made by any of the party B. To set aside and strike out interrogatories if they do not fulfill requirement of law
C. None of the above

195.  The answering party shall answer the interrogatories through affidavit as provided in
A. O. XI, Rule 6, of C.P.C. B. O. XI, Rule 7, of C.P.C.
C. O. XI, Rule 8, of C.P.C.

196.  O. XI, Rule 13, of C.P.C. provided submission of
A. Affidavit of interrogatories B. Affidavit of documents
C. Both (a) and (b)

197.  An affidavit in answer to interrogatories shall be in Form No. _____ in Appendix C with such variations as circumstances may require
A. 3, B. 4,
C. 5,

198.  Order XII, of C.P.C. is about
A. Admissions in cross examination B. Admissions in pleadings
C. Admissions

199.  Order XII, of C.P.C. contains
A. 6 Rules, B. 9 Rules,
C. 12 Rules,

200.  As per O, XII, R. 1 any party to a suit may give notice by his pleadings or otherwise in writing that he admits the truth of the whole or any portion of the case of
A. His own B. Opposite party
C. Both (a) and (b)

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