CSS :: Civil Procedure 1908

111.  A decree, judgment or order can be amended if there is
A. Clerical or arithmetical error B. Factual error
C. Conceptual error

112.  Section 152, C.P.C deals with amendment of
A. Clerical and arithmetical errors in judgment, decree or order B. Clerical or arithmetical errors in plaint
C. Clerical or arithmetical errors in written statement

113.  Order 1, of C.P.C deals with
A. Litigation B. Parties to the suit
C. Documentation

114.  The person who brought the suit or file a suit is called
A. Plaintiff B. Defendant
C. Both (a) and (b)

115.  The person or group of persons who are responsible to replying or answering the suit are called
A. Plaintiff or plaintiffs B. Defendant or defendants
C. Third persons

116.  To become plaintiff in any suit it is required the interest of plaintiff must be
A. In dispute B. Attached to the litigation
C. Both (a) and (b)

117.  Under Order 1, Rule 1, all persons may be joined as plaintiffs if
A. Their right to relief is same B. They are close relative
C. They belong to same group

118.  Under Order 1, Rule 2, where it appears to the Court that any joinder of plaintiffs may embarrass or delay the trial Court can
A. Order for sepaarate trial B. Struck off plaintiffs rights
C. None of the above

119.  All persons may be joined as_____ against whom any right to relief is claimed
A. Plaintiffs B. Respondents
C. Defendants

120.  No suit shall be defeated by reason of____ as provided in Order, 1, Rule 9
A. Mis-joinder and non joinder of the parties B. Lack of documents
C. None of the above

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