CSS :: Constitution Of Pakistan 1962

1.  Constitution, of 1962 was made on
A. 23rd March, 1962 B. 28 February, 1962
C. 14 August, 1962

2.  Constitution of 1962 was consisting
A. 250 Articles, and 10 parts B. 260 Articles, and 9 parts
C. 234 Articles, and 12 parts

3.  Constitution of 1962, provided ______ form of government
A. Parliamentary B. Presidential
C. None of the above

4.  Constitution of 1962, provided ______ election for President
A. Direct B. Indirect
C. Both (a) and (b)

5.  According to Constitution of 1962, age limit to cast vote was________
A. 21 years B. 20 years
C. 18 years

6.  According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through
A. Parliament B. Provincial assemblies
C. Electoral College

7.  According to Constitution of 1962, minimum age limit for President-ship was
A. 35 years B. 40 years
C. 45 years

8.  Article _______ , of the Constitution of 1962, empowered President with power of dissolution of National Assembly
A. 13 B. 23
C. 33

9.  Under Article 13 of the Constitution of 1962 _____ can be impeached
A. President B. Prime-Minister
C. Speaker

10.  The Constitution of 1962, held ______ religion for Speaker of National Assembly
A. Islam B. Non believer
C. No restriction upon

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