General Knowledge :: KHULFA E RASHIDEEN

21.  The Surname of Hazrat Ali (RA) was?
A. Abdullah B. Abu Turab
C. Abu Muhammad D. Zaid

22.  The duration of Hazrat Abu Bakr's (RA) regime was?
A. 634-644 A.D B. 632-634 A.D
C. 656-661 A.D D. 644-656 A.D

23.  The duration of Hazrat Umar's (RA) Khilafat was?
A. 634-644 A.D B. 632-634 A.D
C. 656-661 A.D D. 644-656 A.D

24.  The duration of Hazrat Usman's (RA) Khilafat was?
A. 634-644 A.D B. 632-634 A.D
C. 656-661 A.D D. 644-656 A.D

25.  The duration of Hazrat Ali's (RA) Khilafat was?
A. 634-644 A.D B. 632-634 A.D
C. 656-661 A.D D. 644-656 A.D

26.  By the time Hazrat Muhammad Passed away the number of Hufaaz was?
A. 20 B. 30
C. 40 D. 50

27.  The number of times Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) has been mentioned in the Quran is?
A. 64 B. 65
C. 66 D. 63

28.  At what age did the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) travel to Syria with Abu Talib?
A. 12 B. 13
C. 14 D. 15

29.  For how many years did Hazrat Halima look after the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?
A. 6 years B. 4 years
C. 3 years D. 2 years

30.  What was the age of the Holy Prophet at the time of Hajr-e-Aswad incident?
A. 40 years B. 30 years
C. 35 years D. 45 years

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