Entry Test MCQ :: Sentence Correction

51.  I find that the essential spirit for we who begin are missing.
A. I find that the essential spirit for we who begin are missing. B. I find that the essential spirit for us beginners are missing.
C. I find that the essential spirit for us beginners is missing. D. I find that the essential spirit for we beginners are missing.

52.  This is Tom whom I am sure will be glad to help you.
A. This is Tom whom I am sure will be glad to help you. B. This is Tom which I am sure will be glad to help you.
C. This is Tom who, I am sure, will be glad to help you. D. This is Tom that I am sure will be glad to help you.

53.  His father or his mother did read to him every night since he was very small.
A. His father or his mother did read to him every night since he was very small. B. His father or his mother have been reading to him every night since he was very small.
C. His father or his mother had read to him every night since he was very small. D. His father or his mother has read to him every night since he was very small.

54.  He become an authority on the theater and its great personalities.
A. He become an authority on the theater and its great personalities. B. He becomes an authority on the theater and it's great personalities.
C. He becamed an authority on the theater and its great personalities. D. He became an authority on the theater and its great personalities.

55.  I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than they.
A. I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than they. B. I know of no other person in the club who are more kind hearted than them.
C. I know of no other person in the club whom are more kind hearted than she. D. I know of no other person in the club who is more kind hearted than she.

56.  After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless.
A. After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless. B. After Bill has ran the mile he was breathless.
C. After Bill had runned the mile he was breathless. D. After Bill had run the mile, he was breathless.

57.  Wilson has scarcely an equal as a pitcher.
A. Wilson has scarcely an equal as a pitcher. B. Wilson has hardly no equal as a pitcher.
C. Wilson had scarcely no equal as a pitcher. D. Wilson has scarcely an equals as a pitcher.

58.  It were the worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
A. It were the worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember. B. It was the worst storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.
C. It was the worsest storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember. D. It was the most worse storm that the inhabitants of the island could remember.

59.  If only we had began before it was too late.
A. If only we had began before it was too late. B. If only we would have begun before it was too late.
C. If only we had begun before it was too late. D. If only we had beginned before it was too late.

60.  Let us' evaluate our year's work.
A. Let us' evaluate our year's work. B. Lets our year's work.
C. Lets' us evaluate our year's work. D. Let's evaluate our year's work.

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