Entry Test MCQ :: Sentence Correction

11.  He was compliminted on having done a fine job.
A. He was compliminted on having done a fine job. B. He was complimented on having done a fine job.
C. He was complemented on having done a fine job. D. He did get complimented on having done a fine job.

12.  This play is different than the one we have seen last night.
A. This play is different than the one we have seen last night. B. This play is different of the one we had saw last night.
C. This play is different with the one we have saw last night. D. This play is different from the one we saw last night.

13.  A row of trees was to be planted in front of the house.
A. A row of trees was to be planted in front of the house. B. A row of trees were planted in front of the house.
C. A row of trees were to be planted in front of the house. D. A row of trees was planted in front of the house.

14.  The house looks it's age in spite of our attempts to beautify it.
A. The house looks it's age in spite of our attempts to beautify it. B. The house looked its age in spite of our attempts to beautify it.
C. The house looked it's age in spite of our attempts to beautify it. D. The house looks it age in spite of our attempts to beautify it.

15.  I do not know where to council in this case.
A. I do not know where to council in this case. B. I do not know when to counsel in this case.
C. I do not know what to counsel in this case. D. I do not know what to council in this case.

16.  She is more capable than any girl in the office.
A. She is more capable than any girl in the office. B. She is more capable than any other girl in the office.
C. She is more capable than other girl in the office. D. She is more capable than other girls in the office.

17.  At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very good.
A. At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very good. B. At the picnic, the young chhildren behave better.
C. At the picnic, the young chhildren behave very well. D. At the picnic, the young chhildren behaved very well.

18.  I resolved to depart irregardless of the consequences.
A. I resolved to depart irregardless of the consequences. B. I resolved to go regarding of the consequences.
C. I resolved to go regardingly of the consequences. D. I resolved to go regardless of the consequences.

19.  The new movie has a number of actors which had been famous on Broadway.
A. The new movie has a number of actors which had been famous on Broadway. B. The new movie has a number of actors who had been famous on Broadway.
C. The new movie has a number of actors who have been famous on Broadway. D. The new movie has a number of actors that have been famous on Broadway.

20.  I am certain that these books have not been ours.
A. I am certain that these books have not been ours. B. I am certain that these books have not been our's.
C. I am certain that these books are not ours. D. I am certain that these books are not ours,

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