Entry Test MCQ :: Sentence Correction

111.  Regardless of the danger that the roof might collapse, the fireman entered the building.
A. Regardless of the danger that the roof might collapse, the fireman entered the building. B. Irrespective of the danger that the roof might collapse, the fireman entered the building.
C. Disregarding of the danger that the roof might collapse, the fireman entered the building. D. Irregardless of the danger that the roof might collapse, the fireman entered the building.

112.  I met five soldiers whom, I believe were members of the 82nd Airborne Division.
A. I met five soldiers whom, I believe were members of the 82nd Airborne Division. B. I met five soldiers who, I believe were members of the 82nd Airborne Division.
C. I met five soldiers who, I believe, were members of the 82nd Airborne Division. D. I met five soldiers who I believe were members of the 82nd Airborne Division.

113.  When St. Cleary begun to give us advise we stopped listening.
A. When St. Cleary begun to give us advise we stopped listening. B. When St. Cleary begin to give us advice we stopped listening.
C. When St. Cleary began to give us advisement we stopped listening. D. When St. Cleary began to give us advice, we stopped listening.

114.  The passengers who had missed their flight were given a meal at the airlines expense.
A. The passengers who had missed their flight were given a meal at the airlines expense. B. The passengers which had missed their flight were given a meal at the airlines expense.
C. The passengers that had missed their flight were given a meal at the airlines expense. D. The passengers whose had missed their flight were given a meal at the airlines expense.

115.  The cows who were suffering from foot and mouth disease had to be destroyed.
A. The cows who were suffering from foot and mouth disease had to be destroyed. B. The cows which were suffering from foot and mouth disease had to be destroyed.
C. The cows that was suffering from foot and mouth disease had to be destroyed. D. The cows whose were suffering from foot and mouth disease had to be destroyed.

116.  The train who had come off the rails was lifted by a crane.
A. The train who had come off the rails was lifted by a crane. B. The train whose had come off the rails was lifted by a crane.
C. The train whom had come off the rails was lifted by a crane. D. The train which had come off the rails was lifted by a crane.

117.  We use to grow our own vegetables.
A. We use to grow our own vegetables. B. We used to grow our own vegetables.
C. We get used to grow our own vegetables. D. We using to grow our own vegetables.

118.  It's taking me a long time become used to driving a car with automatic gears.
A. It's taking me a long time become used to driving a car with automatic gears. B. It's taking me a long time to get used to driving a car with automatic gears.
C. It's taking me a long time used to driving a car with automatic gears. D. It's taking me a long time use'd to driving a car with automatic gears.

119.  Lord Fortingham was used to be waited upon.
A. Lord Fortingham was used to be waited upon. B. Lord Fortingham was used to being waited upon.
C. Lord Fortingham was used to was waited upon. D. Lord Fortingham was used to been waited upon.

120.  I think you should put that packet back where you found it.
A. I think you should put that packet back where you found it. B. I think you must put that packet back where you found it.
C. I think you ought to put that packet back where you found it. D. I think you used to put that packet back where you found it.

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