Entry Test MCQ :: Sentence Correction

91.  I had no mony, my friend had not neither.
A. I had no mony, my friend had not neither. B. I had no mony, my friend had no neither.
C. I had no mony, my friend had not either. D. I had no mony, my friend had hasn't neither.

92.  Just forty years ago, there had fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United State.
A. Just forty years ago, there had fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United State. B. Just forty years ago, there were fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States.
C. Just forty years ago, there was fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States. D. Just forty years ago, there existed fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States.

93.  A girl as I would never be seen in a place like that.
A. A girl as I would never be seen in a place like that. B. A girl as me would never be seen in a place like that.
C. A girl like I am would never be seen in a place like that. D. A girl like me would never be seen in a place like that.

94.  Between you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.
A. Between you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw. B. Between you and me, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.
C. Betwixt you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw. D. Between we, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

95.  It is important to know for what kind of a person for whom you are working.
A. It is important to know for what kind of a person for whom you are working. B. It is important to know for what kind of person you are working.
C. It is important to know for what kind of a person you are working for D. It is important to know for what kind of a person you are working for.

96.  I had already finished the book before you came in.
A. I had already finished the book before you came in. B. I had previously finished the book before you came in.
C. I had already finished the book before you come on. D. I had all finished the book before you came in.

97.  Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
A. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. B. Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
C. Ask not who the bell tolls for; it tolls for thee. D. Ask not for who the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

98.  Ending a sentence with a preposition is something with which I will not put up..
A. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something with which I will not put up.. B. To end a sentence with a preposition is that which I will not put up with.
C. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something of which I will not put up. D. Something I will not put up with is ending a sentence with a preposition.

99.  Everyone took off their hat and stood up to sing the national anthem.
A. Everyone took off their hat and stood up to sing the national anthem. B. Everyone take off their hat and stand up to sing the national anthem.
C. Everyone took off his hat and stood up to sing the national anthem. D. Everyone have taken off their hats and standing up to sing the national anthem.

100.  She promised me that if she had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather.
A. She promised me that if she had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather. B. She assured me that had she had the opportunity, she would have come regardless of the weather.
C. She assured me that if she would have had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather. D. She promised me that if she had had the opportunity she would have came irregardless of the weather.

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