Entry Test MCQ :: Nouns

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21.  Sports are essential for health.
A. sports B. are
C. essential D. for health

22.  Brains-cells are in great number.
A. Brains-cells B. are
C. great D. number

23.  The oxygen is essential for life.
A. the oxygen B. is
C. essential D. for life

24.  Man's three pounds brain is most complex.
A. man's B. three pounds
C. brain D. most

25.  Some people is protesting against dearness.
A. some B. is
C. protesting D. against dearness

26.  The shephered was grazing the sheeps.
A. the shephered B. was
C. grazing D. the sheeps

27.  Brain stores million of messages.
A. brain B. stores
C. million D. messages

28.  People should mind your own business.
A. people B. should mind
C. your D. own business

29.  The players were doing your best to win the match.
A. the players B. were doing
C. your D. to win the match

30.  The coach will try their best.
A. the coach B. will try
C. their D. best

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