Entry Test MCQ :: Nouns

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11.  Lasers are of great value in the areas such as communications and Scientifics research.
A. lasers B. in the areas
C. such as D. scientifics research

12.  Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded.
A. dinosaurs B. as reptiles
C. some appear D. warms-blooded

13.  People should mind your own business.
A. people should B. mind
C. your D. business

14.  Everyone of the players would do their best to win the match.
A. everyone B. of
C. the players D. their

15.  The baby had made up her mind.
A. the baby B. had made
C. her D. mind

16.  The teacher as well as the students are busy.
A. the teacher B. as well as
C. the students D. are

17.  Wages of sin are hell.
A. wages B. of sin
C. are totally D. hell

18.  Horse is a faithful animal
A. horse B. is
C. faithful D. animal

19.  He is Ghalib of today.
A. He B. is
C. Ghalib D. today

20.  A large amount of people was there.
A. a large B. amount
C. people D. was there

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