Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

131.  The orchestra played so loud.
A. the orchestra B. played
C. so D. loud

132.  The ghost was seen hunting the city, stealing diamonds and he caused terror.
A. hunting B. stealing
C. he caused D. terror

133.  Considering his health, I think he should not have run as rapid he did.
A. I think B. should
C. have run D. as rapid

134.  Of the two Hemingway's novels, I like "A Farewell to Arms" the best.
A. of the two B. I like
C. A Farewell to Arms D. the best

135.  One person's sadness can look exactly as anothers' happiness.
A. person's B. can look
C. exactly D. as anothers

136.  Because he was much older than me, I never felt comfortable in his presence.
A. because B. than me
C. never felt D. in his presence

137.  They seized the land that they believed was their's.
A. they seized B. the land
C. they believed D. was their's

138.  She said that she is not frightened at all during the trip.
A. said that B. is not frightened
C. at all D. during the trip

139.  It was her who was to receive the award.
A. It was B. her
C. who was to D. the award

140.  I shall not object to him delivering the lecture as long as he wishes.
A. shall B. him
C. as long as D. wishes

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