Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

121.  It has nothing to do with them breaking up after a two-year romance.
A. it has B. nothing to do
C. them breaking D. a two-year

122.  The police didn't respond quick to the call.
A. the police B. didn't respond
C. quick D. to the call

123.  Tom's classmates were respobding very sarcastic to his presentation.
A. Tom's classmates B. were responding
C. very sarcastic D. his presentation

124.  Nowadays, there isn't hardly a day whenh no suicides occur.
A. nowadays B. isn't hardly
C. no suicides D. occur

125.  If Tom Cruise was alive, he would have succeeded.
A. if B. was
C. he would D. succeeded

126.  Her looks, experience and natural intelligence invites the employers.
A. her looks B. experience
C. natural intelligence D. invites

127.  Most of the people have little or no concern of their wives.
A. most B. people have
C. little or no D. concern of

128.  I fully agree to Bertram's idea that each person is in themselves a complex puzzle.
A. agree to B. each person
C. themselves D. a complex puzzle

129.  The bridal gown was most unique because it was decorated with the lace fabric.
A. most B. because
C. it D. decorated

130.  The alarm awakened up the entire family.
A. the alarm B. awakened up
C. entire D. family

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