Entry Test MCQ :: Usage Topic Complementry Tests

101.  The average duration of phone calls were forty-six seconds.
A. the average B. duration of
C. calls were D. forty-six seconds

102.  She hears me, no matter how quiet I come into the house.
A. hears me B. no matter
C. how quiet D. come into

103.  The stadium was filled with the sounds of everyones' voice.
A. was filled B. with
C. sounds D. everyones'

104.  Harvey suggested that we should order both pizza and sandwich.
A. suggested that B. should order
C. both D. pizza and sandwich

105.  Davis is a good lawyer, who like others have an eye on mistakes of his opponents.
A. lawyer B. who
C. others, have D. of his opponents

106.  The policies at Humburger city are stricter than Burger Boy.
A. the policies B. at Hamburger
C. are stricter D. Burger Boy

107.  The rumour of illegal practices have raised serious moral questions.
A. the rumour B. illegal practices
C. have raised D. moral

108.  Japan has began to threaten boycotting the American products.
A. has began B. to threaten
C. boycotting D. the American products

109.  If she would have played well, whe might have joined the team.
A. would have B. well
C. might have D. joined

110.  Sandra has decided to study painting, architecture and how to draw.
A. has decided B. to study
C. painting D. how to draw

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