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Engineering :: MVC

  What is the problem in this code? This code not work. but why? where is my problem?
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); cn.Open(); string Update = @"UPDATE tblStudentInfo SET Email = '" + stuEmail.Text + "', Password = '"+stuPassword.Text+"', StuName = '"+StuName.Text+"', FatherName = '"+StuFName.Text+"', Gender = '"+DropDownListGender.Text+"', Roll_no = "+StuRoll.Text+", Reg_no = "+StuRegitration.Text+", DateOfBirth = '"+StuDataofBirth.Text+"', Address = '"+StuAddress.Text+"', ContactNo = "+StuContact.Text+", Department = '"+StuDepartment.Text+"', Session = '"+StuSession.Text+"' WHERE Id = "+Convert.ToInt32(CheckforDel.Text).ToString()+""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Update,cn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Redirect("Report.aspx"); cn.Close();

Nambiar said:    
Is this selected text ?? '"+DropDownListGender.Text+"'??

Salman said:    
here is the problem DropDownListGender.Text. Dropdownlist has property selectedItem instead of text.

Jake said:    
i think dropdownlist is not the problem. if the property gender is a string then the text property of the dropdown can be pass to it. the problem is on the where clause, why converting to int32 at the same time to string??

Bob said:    
You are really asking for a sql injection attack with this code. You should be using parameters.

Njuyen said:    
Can you show error message when run this code? What are sql type of Roll_no, Reg_no, ContactNo?

Njuyeu said:    
what are values you input into textbox: StuRoll, StuRegitration, StuContact? when you run this code, is there any error?

Raju said:    
int type errors

Cosimu said:    
you use parameter collection

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