Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

51.  A manometer is used to measure
A. atmospheric pressure B. pressure in pipes and channels
C. pressure in venturimeter D. difference of pressures between two points in a pipe

52.  A manometer is used to measure
A. low pressure B. moderate pressure
C. high pressure D. atomospheric pressure

53.  A manometer can be used to measure vacuum pressures.
A. Agree B. Disagree

54.  A differential manometer is used to measure
A. atmospheric pressure B. pressure in pipes and channels
C. pressure in venturimenter D. difference of pressures between two points in pipe

55.  The intensity of pressure on an immersed surface
A. does not change B. increases
C. decreases

56.  The point at which the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts, is known as
A. centre of gravity B. centre of depth
C. centre of pressure D. centre of immersed surface

57.  The centre of pressure acts
A. at B. above
C. below

58.  A water tank contains 1.3 m deep water. The pressure exerted by the water per metre length of the tank is
A. 2.89 kM B. 8.29 kN
C. 9.28 kN D. 28.9 kN

59.  A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall acts at a distance
A. H / 3 B. H / 2
C. 2H / 3 D. 3H / 4

60.  A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is minimum. B. The pressure on the bottom of the wall is maximum
C. The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is zero, and on the bottom of the wall is maximum D. The pressure on the bottom of the wall is zero.

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