Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

41.  When the pressure intensity at a point is less than the local atmospheric pressure, then the difference of these two pressures is called vacuum pressure.
A. Agree B. Disagree

42.  The vacuum pressure is always the negattive gauge pressure.
A. Yes B. No

43.  The absolute pressure is equal to
A. gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure B. gauge pressure - atmospheric pressure
C. atmospheric pressure - gauge pressure D. gauge pressure - vacuum pressure

44.  The pressure less than atmospheric pressure is known as
A. suction pressure B. vacuum pressure
C. negative gauge pressure D. all of these

45.  Gauge pressure at a point is equal to the absolute pressure
A. plus B. minus

46.  The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a piezometer tube is
A. vacuum pressure B. gauge pressure
C. absolute pressure D. atmospheric pressure

47.  The vacuum pressure can be measured with the help of a piezometer tube.
A. True B. False

48.  The pressure measured with the help of a piezometer tube is in
A. N / mm2 B. N / m2
C. head of liquid D. all of these

49.  A piezometer tube is used only for measuring
A. low pressure B. high pressure
C. moderate pressure D. vacuum pressure

50.  The liquid used in manometers should have
A. low density B. high density
C. low surface tension D. high surface tension

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