Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

301.  When the Mach number is more than 6, the flow is called
A. sub-sonic flow B. sonic flow
C. super-sonic flow D. hyper-sonic flow

302.  A flow is called sub-sonic, if the Mach number is
A. less than unity B. unity
C. between 1 and 6 D. more than 6

303.  A flow is called sonic, if the Mach number is unity.
A. Agree B. Disagree

304.  A flow is called super-sonic if the
A. velocity of flow is very high B. discharge is difficult to measure
C. Mach number is between 1 and 6 D. none of these

305.  A flow is called hyper-sonic, if the Mach number is
A. less than unity B. unity
C. between 1 and 6 D. none of these

306.  A point, in a compressible flow where the velocity of fluid is zero, is called
A. critical point B. vena contracta
C. stagnation point D. none of these

307.  The pressure at a stagnation point is always low.
A. Agree B. Disagree

308.  When a plate is immersed in a liquid parallel to the flow, it will be subjected to a pressure
A. less than B. more than

309.  The force exerted by a moving fluid on an immersed body is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum due to the presence of the body. This statement is called
A. Newton's law of motion B. Newton's law of cooling
C. Newton's law of viscosity D. Newton's law of resistance

310.  The Newton's law of resistance is based on the assumption that the
A. planes of the body are completely smooth B. space around the body is completely filled with the fluid
C. fluid particles do not exert any influence on one another D. all of the above

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