Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

291.  The coefficient of viscosity may be determined by
A. capillary tube method B. orifice type viscometer
C. rotating cylinder method D. all of these

292.  Bulk modulus of a fluid is the ratio of
A. shear stress to shear strain B. increase in volume to the viscosity of fluid
C. increase in pressure to the volumetric strain D. critical veloity to the viscosity of fluid

293.  Bulk modulus of a fluid
A. remains same B. decreases
C. increases

294.  The volume of a fluid
A. remains same B. decreases
C. increases

295.  The specific weight of compressible fluids does not remain constant.
A. True B. False

296.  The pressure of air
A. does not change B. decreases
C. increases

297.  The ratio of velocity of fluid in an undisturbed stream to the velocity of sound wave is known as Mach number.
A. Yes B. No

298.  When the Mach number is less than unity, the flow is called
A. sub-sonic flow B. sonic flow
C. super-sonic flow D. hyper-sonic flow

299.  When the Mach number is equal to unity, the flow is called sonic flow.
A. True B. False

300.  When the Mach number is between
A. 1 and 2.5 B. 2.5 and 4
C. 4 and 6 D. 1 and 6

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