Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

21.  A glass tube of smaller diameter is used while performing an experiment for the capillary rise of water because
A. it is easier to see through the glass tube B. glass tube is cheaper than a metallic tube
C. it is not possible to conduct this experiment with any other tube D. all of the above

22.  The mercuty does not wet the glass. This is due to the property of the liquid known as
A. cohesion B. adhesion
C. viscosity D. surface tension

23.  With an increase in size of tube, the rise or depression of liquid in the tube due to surface tension will
A. decrease B. increase
C. remain unchanged D. depend upon the characteristics of liquid

24.  In the manufacturing of lead shots, the property of surface tension is utilised.
A. Agree B. Disagree

25.  The surface tension of mercury at normal temperature is
A. same as B. lower than
C. higher than

26.  The unit of surface tension is
A. N / m B. N / m2
C. N / m3 D. N - m

27.  The viscosity of a liquid is due to cohesion of its particles.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

28.  The viscosity of a liquid
A. effects B. does not effect

29.  The viscosity of water is
A. higher B. lower

30.  Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of
A. surface tension of water B. compressibility of water
C. capillarity of water D. viscosity of water

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