Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

281.  The velocity corresponding to Reynold number of 2000 is called
A. sub-sonic velocity B. super-sonic velocity
C. lower critical velocity D. higher critical velocity

282.  The velocity corresponding to Reynold number of 2800, is called
A. sub-sonic velocity B. super-sonic velocity
C. lower critical velocity D. higher critical velocity

283.  The loss of pressure head in case of laminar flow is proportional to
A. velocity B. (velocity)2
C. (velocity)3 D. (velocity)4

284.  A moving fluid mass may be brought to a static equilibrium position, by aplying an imaginary inertia force of the same magnitude as that of the accelerating force but in the opposite direction. This statement is called
A. Pascal's law B. Archimede's principle
C. D-Alembert's principle D. none of these

285.  The D-Alembert's principle is used for changing the dynamic equilibrium of a fluid mass, into a static equilibrium.
A. Agree B. Disagree

286.  When a tank containing liquid moves with an acceleration in the horizontal direction, then the free surface of the liquid
A. remains horizontal B. becomes curved
C. falls on the front end D. falls on the back end

287.  An open tank containing liquid is moving with an acceleration on an inclined plane. The inclination of the free surface of the liquid will be
A. equal to B. directly proportional
C. inversely proportional

288.  A closed tank is completely filled with an oil. If it is made to move with a horizontal acceleration, then the pressure at the back end will be more than that at the front end.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

289.  In a footstep bearing, if the speed of the shaft is doubled, then the torque required to over-come the viscous resistance will be
A. double B. four times
C. eight times D. sixteen times

290.  In a footstep bearing, if the radius of the shaft is doubled, then the torque required to overcome the viscous resistance will be
A. double B. four times
C. eight times D. sixteen times

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