Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

251.  Poise is the unit of viscosity in C.G.S. system of units.
A. Agree B. Disagree

252.  One poise is equal to
A. 0.1 N-s/m2 B. 1 N-s/m2
C. 10 N-s/m2 D. 100 N-s/m2

253.  The kinematic viscosity is the
A. ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the liquid B. ratio of density of the liquid to the absolute viscosity
C. product of absolute viscosity and density of the liquid D. product of absolute viscosity and mass of the liquid

254.  Stoke is the unit of
A. kinematic viscosity in C.G.S. units B. kinematic viscosity in M.K.S. units
C. dynamic viscosity in M.K.S. units D. dynamic viscosity in S.I. units

255.  One stoke is equal to
A. 10-2m2/s B. 10-3m2/s
C. 10-4m2/s D. 10-6m2/s

256.  The unit of kinematic viscosity in S. I. units is
A. N-m/s B. N-s/m2
C. m2/s D. N - m

257.  The viscosity of water at 20? C is
A. one stoke B. one centistroke
C. one poise D. one centipoise

258.  The kinematic viscosity of an oil (in stokes) whose specific gravity is 0.95 and viscosity 0.011 poise, is
A. 0.0116 stoke B. 0.116 stoke
C. 0.0611 stoke D. 0.611 stoke

259.  The dynamic viscosity of the liquid
A. remain unaffected B. increases
C. decreases

260.  A fluid having no viscosity is known as
A. real fluid B. ideal fluid
C. newtonian fluid D. non-newtonian fluid

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