Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

211.  The hammer blow in pipes occurs when
A. there is excessive leakage in the pipe B. the pipe bursts under high pressure of fluid
C. the flow of fluid through the pipe is suddenly brought to rest by closing of the valve D. the flow of fluid through the pipe is gradually brought to rest by closing of the valve

212.  The purpose of a surge tank is
A. to control the pressure variations due to rapid changes in the pipe line flow B. to eliminate water hammer possibilities
C. to regulate flow of water to turbines by providing necessary retarding head of water D. all of the above

213.  The velocity of flow is same at all points in the cross-section of a channel.
A. True B. False

214.  When the flow in an open channel is gradually varied, the flow is said to be
A. steady uniform flow B. steady non-uniform flow
C. unsteady uniform flow D. unsteady non-uniform flow

215.  A channel is said to be of most economical cross-section, if
A. it gives maximum discharge for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope B. it has minimum wetted perimeter
C. it involves lesser excavation for the designed amount of discharge D. all of the above

216.  The discharge through a channel of rectangular section will be maximum, if
A. its depth is twice the breadth B. its breadth is twice the depth
C. its depth is thrice the breadth D. its breadth is thrice the depth

217.  The most economical section of a rectangular channel is one which has hydraulic mean depth or hydraulic radius equal to
A. half the depth B. half the breadth
C. twice the depth D. twice the breadth

218.  The discharge through a channel of trapezoidal section is maximum when
A. width of channel at the top is equal to twice the width at the bottom B. depth of channel is equal to the width at the bottom
C. the sloping side is equal to half the width at the top D. the sloping side is equal to the width at the bottom

219.  The discharge through a channel of circular section will be maximum when the depth of water is
A. 0.34 times B. 0.67 times
C. 0.81 times D. 0.95 times

220.  The velocity through a channel of circular section will be maximum when the depth of water is
A. 0.34 times B. 0.67 times
C. 0.81 times D. 0.95 times

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