Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

191.  The hydraulic gradient line is always parallel to the centre line of the pipe.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

192.  The hydraulic gradient line may be above or below the centre line of the pipe.
A. True B. False

193.  The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal to the
A. pressure head B. velocity head
C. pressure head + velocity head D. pressure head - velocity head

194.  The hydraulic gradient line lies over the centre line of the pipe by an amount equal to the
A. pressure head B. velocity head
C. pressure head + velocity head D. pressure head - velocity head

195.  The total energy line lies over the centre line of the pipe by an amount equal to
A. pressure head B. velocity head
C. pressure head + velocity head D. pressure head - velocity head

196.  The power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when the head lost due to friction is equal to
A. one-fourth of the total supply head B. one-third of the total supply head
C. one-half of the total supply head D. two-third of the total supply head

197.  The maximum efficiency of transmission through a pipe is
A. 50% B. 56.70%
C. 66.67% D. 76.66%

198.  A compound pipe is required to be replaced by a new pipe. The two pipes are said to be equivalent, if
A. length of both the pipes is same B. diameter of both the pipes is same
C. loss of head and discharge of both the pipes is same D. loss of head and velocity of flow in both the pipes is same

199.  Select the wrong statement
A. An equivalent pipe is treated as an ordinary pipe for all calculations B. The length of an equivalent pipe is equal to that of a compound pipe
C. The discharge through an equivalent pipe is equal to that of a compound pipe D. The diameter of an equivalent pipe is equal to that of a compound pipe

200.  When the pipes are in series, the total head loss is equal to the sum of the head loss in each pipe.
A. Yes B. No

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