Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

181.  In a sharp-crested weir, the thickness of the weir is kept less than half of the height of water above the crest of the weir.
A. True B. False

182.  A weir, generally, used as a spillway of a dam is
A. narrow crested weir B. broad crested weir
C. Ogee weir D. submerged weir

183.  The formula for discharge over a sharp-crested weir and Ogee weir is same as that of a rectangular weir.
A. Agree B. Disagree

184.  When the water level on the downstream side of a weir is above the top surface of a weir, the weir is known as
A. narrow-creasted weir B. broad-crested weir
C. Ogee weir D. submerged weir

185.  In a free nappe,
A. the pressure below the nappe is atmospheric B. the pressure below the nappe is negative
C. the pressure above the nappe is atmospheric D. the pressure above the nappe is negative

186.  In a depressed nappe
A. the pressure below the nappe is atmospheric B. the pressure below the nappe is negative
C. the pressure above the nappe is atmospheric D. the pressure above the nappe is negative

187.  The discharge of a depressed nappe is 6 to 7 percent
A. less than B. more than

188.  The frictional resistance of a pipe varies approximately with
A. pressure B. velocity
C. square of velocity D. cube of velocity

189.  The hydraulic mean depth or the hydraulic radius is the ratio of
A. area of flow and wetted perimeter B. wetted perimeter and diameter of pipe
C. velocity of flow and area of flow D. none of these

190.  The hydraulic mean depth for a circular pipe of diameter (d) is
A. d / 6 B. d / 4
C. d / 2 D. d

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