Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

171.  The length of a liquid stream while flowing over a weir
A. expands B. does not change
C. contracts

172.  When the corfficient of discharge (Cd) is 0.623, then the general equation for discharge over a rectangular weir is
A. 1.84 (L-0.1 nH) H3/2 B. 1.84 (L-nH) H2
C. 1.84 (L-0.1 nH) H5/2 D. 1.84 (L-nH) H3

173.  When the end contractions of the weir are suppressed, then number of end contractions (n) are taken as zero
A. Agree B. Disagree

174.  According to Bazin, the coefficient of discharge varies with the height of water over the sill of a weir.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

175.  The Cippoletti weir is a
A. rectangular B. triangular
C. trapezoidal D. circular

176.  The Francis formula for the discharge over Cippoletti weir is
A. 1.84 LH1/2 B. 1.84 LH
C. 1.84 LH3/2 D. 1.84 LH5/2

177.  A weir is said to be narrow-crested weir, if the width of the crest of the weir is
A. equal to B. less than
C. more than

178.  A wwir is said to be broad crested weir. If the width of the crest of the weir is
A. equal to B. less than
C. more than

179.  In a broad-crested weir, the discharge is maximum if the head of water on the downstream side of weir is
A. equal to B. one-third
C. two-third D. three-fourth

180.  The maximum discharge over a broad crested weir is
A. 0.384 Cd x L x H1/2 B. 0.384 Cd x L x H3/2
C. 1.71 Cd x L x H1/2 D. 1.71 Cd x L x H3/2

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