Engineering :: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

141.  In a short cylindrical external mouthpiece, the vena contracta occurs at a distance
A. equal to B. one-fourth
C. one-third D. one-half

142.  The hoss of hed due to an obstruction in a pipe is twice the loss of head at its entrance.
A. Agree B. Disagree

143.  The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece depends upon
A. velocity of liquid B. pressure of liquid
C. area of outhpiece D. length of mouthpiece

144.  Re-entrant or Borda's mouthpiece is an
A. internal B. external

145.  In an internal mouthpiece, if the jet after contraction does not touch the sides of the mouthpiece, then the mouthpiece is said to be
A. running full B. running free
C. partially running full D. partially running free

146.  In an internal mouthpiece, if the jet after contraction expands and fills up the whole mouthpiece, then the mouthpiece is said to be running free.
A. True B. False

147.  An internal mouthpiece is said to be runing
A. free B. partially
C. full

148.  The coefficient of discharge in case of internal mouthpiece is
A. less than B. more than

149.  The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece is
A. 0.375 B. 0.5
C. 0.707 D. 0.855

150.  An internal mouthpiece is said to be running free if the length of the mouthpiece is
A. less than twice B. more than twice
C. less than three times D. more than three times

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