Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

21.  A pyrheliometer is an instrument which measures
A. beam radiation B. diffuse radiation
C. global radiation D. duration of bright sunshine

22.  A pyrheliometer is an instrument which measures
A. beam radiation B. global radiation
C. duration of bright sunshine D. none of the above

23.  The radiation coming from the sun appears to be essentially equivalent to that of coming from a blackbody at a temperature of
A. 10000 K B. 5762 K
C. 600 K D. 1800 K

24.  The angle in minute subtended by sun on the earths surface is about
A. 23 B. 32
C. 53 D. 43

25.  The solar constant which is defined as the rate of which energy is received from the sun on a unit area perpendicular to the rays of the sun at the mean distance of the earth from the sun outside of the atmosphere has a standard value of
A. 5669 W/m2 B. 1353 W/m2
C. 1.353 W/m2 D. none of the above

26.  The maximum value of the extraterrestrial solar radiation occurs at a wavelength of about
A. 0.12 ?m B. 4 ?m
C. 0.48 ?m D. 0.78 ?m

27.  Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Global radiation = beam radiation - diffuse radiation B. Global radiation = beam radiation + diffuse radiation
C. Global radiation = diffuse radiation - beam radiation D. Global radiation = (beam radiation + diffuse radiation)/2

28.  If ? is the angle between an incident beam of flux Ibn and the normal to a plane surface then the equivalent flux falling normal to the surface is
A. Ibn sin ? B. Ibn cos ?
C. Ibn sec ? D. Ibn

29.  Solar radiation flux is often reported in langleys per year. The unit langley is equal to
A. 1 cal/cm2 B. 1 Btu/ft2
C. 1 J/m2 D. 1 Btu/in2

30.  The perihelion occurs on about
A. 21-Jun B. 3-Jul
C. 2-Jan D. 21-Mar

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