Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

11.  Most of the suns energy results from
A. thermonuclear reactions B. chemical reactions
C. gravity D. none of the above

12.  The wavelength of which of the following is the largest?
A. Radio waves B. Light waves
C. X-ray waves D. Gamma ray waves

13.  When light wave passes from air into glass the ray describing the motion of the wave front changes direction according to Snells law of refraction and the light ray
A. is bent toward the normal to the glass surface B. is bent away from the normal to the glass surface
C. does not bend at all D. completely reflected at the air-glass interface

14.  A pane of glass reflects 5% of the incident light and absorbs 10%. The amount of light transmitted is
A. 95% B. 85%
C. 90% D. 15%

15.  As the temperature of a hot glowing object increases the wavelength at the maximum of the blackbody radiation curve
A. increases B. decreases
C. remains the same D. increases linearly

16.  A blockbody absorbs all of the incident radiation. It also
A. reflects radiation with 100% efficiency B. transmits radiation with 100% efficiency
C. emits radiation with 100% efficiency D. emmits radiation with 0% efficiency

17.  If ?1 and ?2 are the wavelengths at the point of maximum intensity of a blackbody spectrum for a system at a temperature of 3000 K and 6000 K then
A. ?1 = 2?2 B. ?2 = 2?1
C. ?1 = ?2 D. 2727?1 = 5727?2

18.  Which of the following consitituents of earths atmosphere is mainly responsible for absorbing the ultraviolet radiation?
A. O2 B. N2
C. O3 D. Water vapour

19.  When visible light is scattered by air molecules which wavelengths are scattered the leave?
A. Violet B. Yellow
C. Blue D. Red

20.  Which of the following is scattered the most by air molecules? Waves with a wavelength of
A. 0.5 micron B. 0.6 micron
C. 0.7 micron D. 0.8 micron

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