Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

151.  At the inversion point the Joule-Thomson coefficient is
A. zero B. negative
C. positive D. infinite

152.  The Carnot heat engine
A. receives energy at a high level of temperature B. converts a portion of the energy received into work
C. discharges portion of the energy received to a heat sink at a low level of temperature D. all of the above

153.  The index of performance of a refrigerating system is called
A. efficiency B. effectiveness
C. coefficient of performance D. drop in temperature

154.  The coefficient of performance is defined as
A. the ratio of useful refrigeration to the net work B. the ratio of net work to the useful refrigeration
C. the drop in temperature achieved D. the drop in pressure achieved

155.  The coefficient of performance has the units of
A. work B. pressure
C. temperature D. none of the above

156.  The coefficient of performance of the Carnot cycle
A. is a function of the temperature limits B. can vary from zero to infinite
C. both a and b D. neither a nor b

157.  The rate of cooling Btu/h required to freeze 1 ton of water at 0?C into ice at 0?C in a day is
A. 200 B. 12000
C. 3.3 D. 1200

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