Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

141.  For a steady state system
A. the rate of input is zero B. the rate of the generation is zero
C. the rate of consumption is zero D. the rate of accumulation is zero

142.  Service air systems normally operate at a pressure of
A. 1 bar B. 2 bar
C. 3 bar D. 7 bar

143.  Instrument air is supplied to each instrument supply station at 7 bar with air of dew point of
A. 20?C B. 60?C
C. ?15?C D. 4?C

144.  In any practical refrigeration system the maintenance of low temperature and the discharge of this heat at
A. higher temperature B. lower temperature
C. same temperature D. none of the above

145.  Dry ice is solid
A. water B. carbon dioxide
C. sodium chloride D. carbon monoxide

146.  The adiabatic throttling process
A. is one example of a steady-flow expansion B. can be performed in a pipe with a restriction
C. of a perfect gas is one of constant enthalpy D. all of the above

147.  The adiabatic throttling process of a perfect gas is one of constant enthalpy in which
A. there is no drop in temperature B. there is a reduction in temperature
C. there is an increase in temperature D. none of the above

148.  The adiabatic throttling process of a perfect gas is one of constant
A. kinetic energy B. enthalpy
C. potential energy D. pressure

149.  The Joule-Thomson coefficient is defined as
A. (?P/?T)H B. (?P/?H)T
C. (?T/?P)H D. (?H/?T)P

150.  Which of the following decreases during adiabatic throttling of a perfect gas?
A. Temperature B. Enthalpy
C. Entropy D. pressure

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