Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

121.  The temperature difference between water at the surface and the lower levels of the ocean (over a few handred metres) is about
A. 40?C B. 60?C
C. 20?C D. 50?C

122.  The process of transformation of a substance from solid phase into vapour phase directly without passing theough the liquid phase is called
A. melting B. vaporization
C. sublimation D. crystallization

123.  Compared to the combined melting-vaporization process sublimation occurs at
A. higher pressures B. lower pressures
C. same pressure D. none of the above

124.  In the ideal Rankine cycle heat is added at constant
A. temperature B. pressure
C. volume D. entropy

125.  In an ideal Stirling cycle heat is added at constant
A. temperature B. pressure
C. entropy D. volume

126.  In ideal Brayton cycle heat is added at constant
A. pressure B. temperature
C. volume D. entropy

127.  For the ideal simple Brayton cycle increase in pressure ratio across the compressor results in
A. higher cycle efficiency B. lower cycle efficiency
C. same cycle efficiency D. none of the above

128.  Compared to air helium is preferred for solar Brayton cycles because
A. of higher cycle efficiency B. it has high heat transfer capability
C. it is inert D. all of the above

129.  Which of the following is used as working fluid in solar Rankine cycle?
A. Steam B. Air
C. Hydrogen D. Helium

130.  The ideal stirling cycle combines
A. two constant pressure processes and two constant volume processes B. two constant temperature processes and two constant volume processes
C. two constant pressure processes and two constant temperature processes D. two constant pressure processes and two constant entropy processes

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