Engineering :: Renewable Sources of Energy

111.  The function of a windmill is to extract energy from the wind and to produce
A. mechanical energy B. thermal energy
C. electrical energy D. chemical energy

112.  Which of the following is a vertical axis windmill?
A. Multiblade type B. Sail type
C. Propeller type D. Savonius type

113.  Sail type windmill has
A. two blades B. three blades
C. four blades D. five blades

114.  Popeller type windmill runs at speeds of
A. 60 to 80 rpm B. 100 to 120 rpm
C. 180 to 200 rpm D. 300 to 400 rpm

115.  Sail type windmill runs at speeds of
A. 300 to 400 rpm B. 60 to 80 rpm
C. 200 220 rpm D. 180 to 190 rpm

116.  Which of the following windmills runs independently of the direction of the wind?
A. Darrieus type B. Sail type
C. Propeller type D. Multiblade type

117.  Darrieus type windmill
A. requires less surface area as compared to Savonius type windmill B. has two or three blades shaped like aerofoils
C. runs independently of the direction of the wind D. all of the above

118.  The maximum power available in the wind is directly proportional to the velocity of the wind raised to the power
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4

119.  The performance of a windmill rotor is indicated by plotting the variation of
A. coefficient of performance against tip speed ratio B. maximum power available in the wind against wind speed
C. power delivered by the rotor against wind speed D. maximum power available in the wind against speed at the tip of the rotor

120.  Which of the following differences between water at the surface and the lower levels of the oceans is utilized in ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems?
A. Salinity difference B. Temperature difference
C. Pressure difference D. Density difference

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