Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

81.  Cetane number of normal cetane is taken to be
A. 0 B. 15
C. 17 D. 100

82.  The chemical formula of normal cetane is
A. C12H26 B. C14H30
C. C16H34 D. C18H38

83.  Which of the following hydrocarbons are the most desirable in high speed diesel oil?
A. Aromatics B. Naphthenes
C. Paraffins D. Naphthenic acids

84.  Arrange the following hydrocarbons series in the increasing order of cetane number for the same number of carbon atoms 1. Paraffins 2. Naphthenes 3. Aromatics
A. Paraffins Naphthenes Aromatics B. Aromatics Naphthenes Paraffins
C. Paraffins Aromatics Naphthenes D. Aromatics Paraffins Naphthenes

85.  Penetration index and softening point are the important tests for
A. high speed diesel oil B. Light diesel oil
C. Kerosine D. bitumen

86.  Viscosity index of an oil
A. indicates the rate of change of viscosity with temperature B. indicates the viscosity of 100?F
C. indicates the rate of change of viscosity with pressure D. indicates the rate of change of specific gravity with pressure

87.  Low sulphur diesel fuels are advantageous because
A. they are less corrosive B. they are less liable to carbonization
C. they form exhaust gases low in sulphurous and sulphuric anhydrides D. all of the above

88.  Bitumen is produced by
A. blowing air into vacuum residue B. hydrogenation of vacuum residue
C. steam reforming of vacuum residue D. pyrolysis of vacuum residue

89.  Heavy vacuum gas oil obtained from vacuum distillation unit is mainly used as
A. blending component for gasoline B. blending component for kerosine
C. feedstock for fluid catalytic cracking unit D. blending component for aviation turbine fuel

90.  For middle distillate production FCC reactors are usually operated between
A. 175? and 185?C B. 900? and 950?C
C. 100? and 110?C D. 470? and 490?C

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