Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

71.  Smoking tendency of paraffins present in kerosine
A. remains constant with change in molecular weight B. increases with increase in molecular weight
C. decreases with increase in molecular weight D. none of the above

72.  Smoke point is an important test for
A. Gasoline B. High speed diesel oil
C. Kerosine D. LPG

73.  Sulphur content in the kerosine is determined generally by
A. quartz tube method B. bomb method
C. lamp method D. none of the above

74.  Smoking tendency of aromatics present in kerosine
A. remains constant with change in molecular weight B. increases with increase in molecular weight
C. decreases with increase in molecular weight

75.  Aniline point of an oil is the lowest temperature at which the oil is completely miscible with an equal volume of aniline. High aniline point indicates that the fuel
A. is highly paraffinic B. has a low diesel
C. has a very poor ignition quality D. is highly armatic

76.  Colour of the petroleum products can be determined by
A. Abel apparatus B. Pensky -Martens apparatus
C. Saybolt chromometer D. all of the above

77.  Select the correct statement
A. Higher the diesel indes better is the ignition quality of a diesel fuel B. Higher the diesel indes poorer is the ignition quality of a diesel fuel
C. The ignition quality is independent of the diesel index of a diesel fuel D. The ignition quality is independent of the cetane number of a diesel fuel

78.  Which of the following compounds can improve the cetane number of diesel oils when added in small quantities?
A. Ethyl mercaptan B. Amyl nitrate
C. Methyl tertiary butyl ether D. Tetra ethyl lead

79.  Cetane number is an important test for
A. gasoline B. kerosine
C. High speed diesel oil D. Fuel oil

80.  Cetane number of hepta methl nonane is taken to be
A. 0 B. 15
C. 100 D. 42

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