Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

51.  Which of the following compounds is added in LPG to impart a distinct odour?
A. Amyl nitrate B. Ethyl mercaptan
C. Tetra ethyl lead D. Phenol

52.  Motor fuel gasoline is composed of
A. methane through decane B. ethane through decane
C. propane through decane D. hexane through decane

53.  Select the correct statement
A. Higher the indication period of gasoline poorer is the stability of the gasoline B. Higher the induction period of gasoline better is the stability of gasoline
C. The induction period of gasoline has no relation with the stability of gasoline D. The induction period of gasoline must be less than 30 min.

54.  Octane number is an important test for
A. LPG B. Kerosine
C. gasoline D. light diesel oil

55.  The most popular antiknock agent is
A. C2H5SH B. Pb(C2H5)4
C. Pb4C2H5 D. CH3SH

56.  Which of the following hydrocarbons are the most desirable in gasoline?
A. Paraffins B. Isoparaffins
C. Naphthenes D. Aromatics

57.  Octane number of n-heptane is taken to be
A. 15 B. 0
C. 100 D. 17

58.  Octane number of paraffins
A. remains constant with change in number of carbon atoms B. increases with increase in number of carbon atoms
C. decreases with increase in number of carbon atoms D. none of the above

59.  Which of the following hydrocarbons has maximum octane number?
A. Benzene B. Cyclohexane
C. Hexane D. Iso-hexane

60.  Which of the following hydrocarbons has maximum octane number?
A. O-Xylene B. Toluene
C. Benzene D. Iso-octane

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