Engineering :: Petroleum Refining Engineering

41.  Which of the following petroleum products has minimum viscosity at a given temperature?
A. Furnace oil B. Kerosine
C. Light diesel oil D. Naphtha

42.  The viscosity of the hydrocarbon liquids
A. remains unaffected with change in density B. decreases with increase in density
C. increases with increase in density D. none of the above

43.  The density of the hydrocarbon liquids
A. remains unaffected with change in the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbon molecules B. decreases with increase in the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbon molecules
C. increases with increase in the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbon molecules D. none of the above

44.  At sea level atmospheric pressure and room temperature
A. methane through butane occur as liquids B. pentane and heavier hydrocarbons occur as liquids
C. ethane and heavier hydrocarbons occur as liquids D. propane and heavier hydrocarbons occur as liquids

45.  Maximum vapor pressure at 65?C in kgf/cm2 gauge of Indian LPG (commercial butane + propane mixture) is
A. 10 B. 16.87
C. 26 D. 36

46.  The evaporation temperature in ?C of Indian LPG (commercial butane + propane mixture) for 95% by volume at 760 mm Hg is
A. 25 B. 30
C. 2 D. ?38

47.  The yield of straight run LPG in wt % from Bombay High crude oil is about
A. 12 B. 1
C. 15 D. 20

48.  The merox process is employed for LPG for the oxidation of mercaptans with air in alkaline medium in the presence of
A. chelated iron compound B. nickel
C. platinum D. vanadium pentaoxide

49.  LPG at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure is a
A. liquid which is heavier than water B. gas which is heavier than air
C. fas which is lighter than air D. liquid which is lighter than water

50.  LPG
A. is a mixture of a saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons in the C3 and C4 range B. is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide
C. is a mixture of methane and hydrogen D. is a mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons in the C6 and C7 range

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